Becoming a Supple Leopard

Becoming a Supple Leopard 

By Kelly Starrett

One sentence Summary:

In Becoming a Supple Leopard, Dr. Kelly Starrett shares his revolutionary approach to mobility and maintenance of the human body and teaches you how to hack your own movement, allowing you to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Review: ★★★

This book is an encyclopedia of knowledge. I don’t plan on ever reading it cover to cover. But it is an awesome book of mobility work: from correct form to a progression of movements and techniques to remedy reduced mobility in all the joints. Although the author continuously selling her approach gets annoying, it is great to have as a resource from time to time. 

The author has an annoying style of continually “selling” his approach to mobility work; he must have had a lot of pushback but we’ve bought the book, we’ve read past the intro (past the first half!). No need to keep selling. It’s probably just his writing style that I don’t like. Doesn’t matter: content is great.

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